Who is Mevlana? Whirling Dervishes insolence and refusal to praise." -Mevlana Rumi but as they sway they connect at the roots." -Mevlana Rumi Sema is part of the inspiration of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (1207- 1273)
as well as of Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture.
-Mevlana Rumi Sema consists of seven parts. • The forth salute Just as the Prophet ascends till the "Throne" and then returns to his task on earth, the whirling dervish reaching the state of "Fenafillah," return to his task in creation, to his state of subservience following the termination of his spiritual journey and his ascent. He is a servant of God, of his Books, of his Prophets and all his creation. At the sixth part Sema ends with a reading of the Quran and specially of the verse from sura Bakara 2, verse 115, "Unto God belong the East and the West, and whither over ye turn, you are faced with Him. He is All-Embracing, All-Knowing." The seventh part is a prayer for the repose of the souls of all Prophets and all believers. |
eternal Life the least of its blooms." ♥ -Mevlana Rumi -Mevlana Rumi " Tilavet " Chamber (Quran Reading And Chanting) The calligraphy section contains the framed works of famous calliagraphs of their time such as Mahmud Celaleddin, Mustafa Rakim, Hulusi, Yesarizade as well as a gilt relief frame done by Sultan Mahmut II. The couplet in Farsi engraved on the silver door with the calligraphy of Yesarizade Mustafa Izzet Efendi says: Kabetü'l-ussâk bâsed in mekam Her ki nakis amed incâ sod temam (Let this be the Kaaba of the minstrels. Who ever enters here in half, finds himself whole) Huzur-i Pir (Mausoleum) The hall of the mausoleum is entered from a silver door which was donated in 1599 by Hasan Pasha, who is the son of Sokollu Mehmet Pasha. Here, the oldest copies of the famous works of Mevlana the "Mesnevi" and "Divan-i Kebir" are displayed in two glass fronted cabinets. The mausoleum hall is roofed with three small domes The third dome which is also called the skin dome joins, the green dome in the north. The hall is bordered with a platform on its east, south and north sides. In the north where there is a two level platform, the sarcophaguses of 6 Sacred horasan men are placed. Right at the feet of these, the Target Stone, made for Ilhanli King Ebu said Bahadir Khan. There are also two framed inscriptions which are important as they reflect the thoughts and philosophy of Mevlana. The first frame is in Turkish and says : "Either seem as you are or be as you seem" Hz. Mevlâna Second frame is a quatrain of Mevlana in Persian. In translation it reads : "Come, come who or whatever you are, come Should you be an unbeliever, a Magian or a pagan still come! Our lodge is not a lodge of despair With hundred repentions unheeded you may be, still, come" Hz. Mevlâna Every success depends upon focusing the heart." -Mevlana Rumi
In compassion and grace be like the Sun In modesty and humility be like the Earth In generosity and helping others be like a river In concealing others faults be like the night In anger and fury be like the dead -Mevlana Rumi Right under the Green Dome there are the graves of Mevlana and his son Sultan Veled. The double hunched marble sarcophagus over the graves was donated 1565 by Süleyman the Magnificant. The quilt embrodieried with gold thread placed over the sarcophagus is a Seljuk masterpiece and was made for Mevlana in 1274. When Süleyman the Magnificent had a new marble sarcophagus made over the graves of Mevlana and son, the original wood one was removed and put over the grave of Mevlana's father.
Semâ-Hâne (Ritual Hall) Extremely valuable rug and wooden door samples are displayed on the south wall of the mosque and in 10 glassed cabinets put around this space, significant examples of binding, calligraphy and gilding are exhibited. There are 17 small cells, each with a small dome and chimney around the west and north sides of the front court of the Mevlana Lodge. These cells were built in 1584 by Sultan Murat III to house the dervishes. Four cells to the right of the entrance gate are at present used as a ticket window and administration offices . The first two of the 13 cells to the left of the gate used as "Postnisin" and "Mesnevi-han" cells are kept in their origanal form and presented to the public. The last two cells at the end are allocated to the very valuable book collections donated by Abdülbaki Gölpinarli and Dr. Mehmed Önder, and they are used as a library. The partition walls of the remaining 9 cells were removed providing two interconnected large corridors. In one of these corridors old rugs of historical value from regions famous for their rugs such as Kula, Gördes, Usak and Kirsehir are displayed while the other has old rugs from districts of Konya such as Ladik, Karaman, Karapinar and Sille which are centers of rug weaving. Display windows built in the window and door sills of these cells display artifacts of Mevlevi ethnography such as "Pazarci masasi", "Mütteka", "Nefir" which were transferred to the museum from the Lodge, and the extremely valuable Bursa fabrics from the museum collection. I am the soul that lives within." -Mevlana Rumi
But I found the Divine within my heart." -Mevlana Rumi
Matbah (Kitchen) Section -Mevlana Rumi
- Mevlana Rumi
Useful Links: www.mevlana.org , www.sufism.org , www.emav.org , 300 Rumi Quotes |